Please submit a ticket describing your issue as accurately as possible. Please remember to fill out all of the necessary details, including your operating system. Include device name and model and as many details regarding the circumstances of the bug as possible.
This information will help us identify and fix the issue.
My Trophy score thingy that unlocks new stages is stuck on 852. Neither losing nor winning is changing my score :/
Really sucks cause i just spent money in your cash shop.
Was about to promote to Challenger III. But now it says I'm in beginner. I cant even see My name on the leaderboard. Hope you can fix it..
Best regards Michael
After the update Google play asked me to sign in after the update and the account it loaded was not my account
Won't connect with players just sits there loading
I have restarted my phone. I have uninstall and reinstalled Archery Club App. in hopes of fixing the purchasing issue. But to "No Avail", I cannot not purchase the $19.99, $49.99 or $99.99 package I've been trying for days now. Please help.. otherwise it will be ashame to uninstall your game after all that I have purchased. Hopefully I will hear from you soon offer the issue will be fixed on your end.
Thanks Kathy
Dobrý den ,dnes mi to odebralo cca 500 bodu v žebříčku což je opravdu hodně když hraji kolem 5tis. Můj tel na kterém hraji je Samsung A41 diky za vyřízení Ahoj...
I did not receive my personal 1st place chest for war at Sherwood Forest in marksmen 11 despite having 172000 plus trophies for my team . I was watching the calculating at 4 am eastern and nothing popped up . Just went onto the next round . No chest showed up with any of last weeks results , cash stayed the same , please can you check your stats name is R. Hood Jr. for Sherwood Forest .... haven’t contacted any team players to see if they received their prizes.
Hi I signed went to play game and my profile is the same But when I go into my clan/club it has me as a normal member but also shows me as leader but I can’t do any promoting etc plus my friends have gone?!?!?
Please advise
Hi. I’m playing darts club and I have been enjoying it a lot. But today for some reason it tells me to check my internet that it can’t connect to boom it cloud???
So it won’t let me play. But my internet is at full so don’t know what to do now. Please help love playing this game
Die Option sich mit Facebook verbinden zu können, wird in der App Dartsclub gar nicht erst angezeigt.
Gibt es denn noch eine andere Möglichkeit um sich mit Facebook zu verknüpfen zu können oder ist das lediglich nur noch via Google möglich?
Wäre mal ne geile Geste vom Support, Kundenservice, Hersteller oder sonst sowas in der Richtung, wenn auch mal überhaupt ne Reaktion kommt anstatt die User gekonnt, aggressiv zu ignorieren 👌🏼
Since the latest update my game keeps crashing/randomly closing, a lot! In the past 15 minutes it's closed/crashed 4 times now! Please fix it or tell me how I can fix it!
I don't understand why the developers can't fix these problems. I can't see myself buying anything if these can't be fixed. The game just takes anything I get when a stupid ad will not open. This is ridiculous. Submitting a ticket is a big joke. Where does anybody find that69
Yesterday I Won 2 time attacks games and I do not get any club points only chests I give.
Won a war match against opponent playing time attack but wasn't awarded points. Approximately 8am MST. Using an Android Galaxy A15 phone.
Was about to promote to Challenger III. But now it says I'm in beginner. I cant even see My name on the leaderboard. Hope you can fix it..
Best regards Michael
I just got 2800 cups and boom its was all gone to 150 my level stayed the same and I was in the rank up from beginner. Can you please help Fix-It please Andrew (my email is
Bug: My dad and I have been playing and now we have the same bug. Trofies are added after a win but trofies are also added after a loss. After reclosing the app and reopening we would get back at the same score we started with. For example with me I am at 1770 trofies if I win 4 times and closing the app and opening again I would be back at 1770 same goes for losing if I lose 4 times it still counted up around 100 trofies then I am at 1870 according the game. When closing and opening again I would be back at 1770. Please fix this
My device is a iphone 6S and my game username is exploit
I tray to play club tournament and the game don’t work and erase my keys for tree time !!!! I want my key
I play on samsung galaxy core prime 5.1 android and i have issue with darts. My darts are invisible and how much i reinstall game it doesn fix pls fix that😀
Time for chest open mixed up. There says i have to wait for 5 hours to open arena 10 silver chest
In the special events- 301 said i busted whenever i got close to winning and wouldn't let me score.. Now with 201 ANY dart i throw from the very start if the gane says bust
why i cant see my friends list?
Oh My Goodness ..oops...hopefully I will hear from you soon or the purchasing issue wiil be fixed on your end. 🤞 I will try and purchase again later this evening. If it is possible and you do fix the purchasing issue on my Account, can you please set up the package deals (like rough example: $29.99 for 11k gems, 20 coins, and epic bow set x 17) that was up at the time I was trying to purchase and could not. It unfortunately is down now.
P.S.- sorry for all the typos
Thanks Kathy
Hello please help me out here. I have made it up to 9,532 trophies and came back on 10 minutes later to find out it's now at 8,100???
Gestern habe ich ein neues Update gekriegt,und habe es Upgedatet. Und danach war ein super Spieler von mir weg. Wenn der aus getreten wär, stand es ja im verlauf. Das er aus getreten wär. Das ist erst nach dem Update passiert. Snipercosmon heißt der Spieler.
Can't open any of the wars on the Clubs page. I have keys but I can't open anything to play. Yes, I have reinstalled on 2 seperate devices(Huawei tablet and Samsung phone) Thanks
Hallo, ich spiele darts club im Club "German Bullseye"
Ich und viele meiner Mitglieder im Club, können im Club bezogen
Spiel "War" nicht mehr teilnehmen. Seit gestern (05.04.2021)
Was ist da los. Bitte könnt ihr uns helfen.
MfG Bernd B.
I play the game for the first time. I play and reached level 5 and a half and I had upgraded my darts at least 600 hundred power also I had 300+ gems. After I close the game and reopened a while ago It was said that I'm 4 level my darts had fall down and I had only 200 gems. It's really bad problem so fix this quick.
Issue I have is with the new play challenge mode and that every time I try it the game completely freezes up. Everything else works fine, no other glitches but that one for me anyway. PLEASE FIX so want to play it
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