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How do I leave feedback or suggestions for the game?



  • PauloD

    i spend diamonds on battlepass for increase lvl but i dont get rewards why? Not show chests and give me nothing... i byed battlepass for nothing?? Reward me pls my money back or check insue... im in lvl 18 battlepass and spend not less then about 500 diamonds... and more movies for one lvl give me nothing to...

  • Michael Bell

    I've been playing for a while now and I have a few suggestions.

    Player ID: FCHQECUW

    First I would like a bit more expansion in the chat functions. Simple things like "No!, Fall back, & Sorry" alongside a few emoticons would enhance gameplay in co-op and boss battle modes.

    Next, a little more gold would help with leveling the characters you unlock. Presently it only comes from chests, battlepass rewards, and the store not withstanding the 3 daily ads. There is no system to gain gold as you can with trophies and this slows character leveling to a crawl after level 8 or so.

    Third, I am finding that several items in the Bestiary have been maxed out so some additional levels in that would be nice.

    Fourth and finally, I would like to see some kind of team play implemented where you can co-op a boss battle with a friend, maybe against an opposing team of players or with some kind of guild function where the goal is not only to deal the most damage you can but with additional rewards if the boss is actually slain (I've only seen this happen once and I have about 8k trophies).

    Thank you for reading, I look forward to future updates.

  • Carnage

    Just a few suggestions. 1 of which has me questioning if I want to continue to play the game.

    Player ID: KBFATSTC

    This is my biggest issue and will probably be why I quit playing if continues. It is imperative that you find a way to somehow rank players and put players in same skill range in same game.
    Co-op is terrible. U rely on team mate. Yet so many are just very very bad. Maybe 1 in 10 games I get a team mate that is is similar skill level as me.
    Boss hunt... On a normal game I do around 20% damage myself. Have done over 30 if get right skills on level up. Yet it is quite rare for even one of my team mates to hit 10% or more. Not uncommon for all 3 to be sub 5%.
    Hunt. Is just waaaaayyyyy to easy. I win probably 95% of my games.

    Next things aren't game breaking but would be nice if was looked at and tweaked.

    Skill randomness makes it to where u can't form a legit strategy. Maybe u get hp and dizzy again and again. Then certain hunters rely heavily on certain skills to be worth anything. Not sure how to fix this tho.

    Adding a chat would be pretty awesome as well. Or more chat functions of some kind as mentioned in post above me.

    Lastly. Events are quite boring. Not fun. At all. I rarely even do them cause they are completely and utterly not fun.

    Great game otherwise. Thanks

  • jasper ip

    Why I can’t play co-op mode?
    Player ID: NXSKQAOI

  • Dan

    Can you please punish players who abandon co-op games and don't play at all

  • Michael Bell

    Thank you for the recent updates.

  • Rob Flood

    So for last couple days it's been saying that I have not been sinking up to the game. I have unlimited data for Wi-Fi and for my phone network. I am a paid prescription to the game. I am not getting any rewards for paying for it for the last couple days. I need your help to sync into the game.

  • Nathan parker

    I got temporarily banned from co op saying i was inactive but i left the game because my teammate quit before it started so i had to. You guys need to have this fixed cuz its stupid.

  • Nhan Nguyen

    Player ID: DLYWNTIE

    First the game is really great, from graphic to game mode and character. And I think co-op mode should be change the reward when the co-op mates disconnected. When my mate disconnected I still play but till wave 13 14, the trophy I earn should be 11 or maybe 22 because I have solo in co-op mode. But its 0 from the time coop mate disconnected, so its waste of time when I solo n I gain nothing, its such hilarious when do job for 2 and dont have anything back. Thats the only thing I think should be change.

    Thank you for the great game!

  • Arman

    With today last update mad doctor is bugging, in coop mode about stage 20 stucks dont give 8%, give 1-2% only and dps is falling, what happened? Help pls

  • Lenny

    I just got into a game in co-op and the guy was inactive so I left the game then I got banned for 20 minutes that's wack....

  • Mirko Naselli

    Why i cant see ads, and cause of it i cant get rewards

  • Luke van der Putten


    At first what great game this is with so much potential! May i suggest lose the blue tokens so i can play all day and still gain the season levels.

    ALSO expand the co-op content with friends please, i love it to play with friends but now your only stuck with 1 mode and i like to do pvp against friends or bosshunt maybe do a raid with a clan so many potential this game has!

    Maybe earn equipment in raids that u can also use in bosshunts for more damage or faster skill casting time.

    But the first new content should be for me expanding Co-op!

    Keep up the good work!

  • Greg Brown

    I just wanna know why the minotaur char that I purchased no longer has speed boost in the hunt and race event, I mean that's why I bought him, now he's like someone's leather jacket in the making, someone very slow because that's all he's good for now with his tiny Lil distance striking range!!!

  • Vladimir Cristian

    ING NAME: SirDrInKaLoT

    When I open the game and start to play it says : Fail connection data. Error unable to complete SSL data

  • name fake

    Everyone who commented here, I don't think Boombit is listening.

  • fady refaat

    I reached 2400 cups and the game tells me I claimed the 2500 reward even tho i didn't collect it

  • WiniLee

    The reflection damage setting has a calculation error for the boss's fire-breathing anti-injury. It is very unfriendly to various meat shield characters. There is also a problem that advertisements are often not played. There are too many unbalanced characters and there are many unpopularities that are not used several times. The character hopes to be able to adjust the skill points like counteracting once and several times. There is no difference in the effect at all. It is better to give it once and not appear or the skill can be displayed in the interface.

  • Nevan A Wijaya

    Hey guys, Please add co-op features inside clan, that will help a lot to play along with clan member without adding them as a friends first, and also please add auto scrool up for the previous trade, so we can go to the previous trade right away without scrooling up manually, and last but not least please delete the trade limit for donation, that's ridiculous, 1 trade every 14h for ourselves that's make sense, but for donation to our clan member 1 time only every 14h?? Come on guys, that's just ridiculous, check out how clash royale work on donation for clan member, you guys will understand.
    That will help a lot of ppl. Thankyou.

  • Nevan A Wijaya

    Guys the clan box info is bugging or glitch, we don't know why we can't check the member contribution on the clan box, please fix this, ASAP.

  • Vitor Santos

    I don’t knew about the glitch and I open the chest more than once.
    My account has been banned now, how do I recover ?
    remove what i gained, I don't want to stop playing

  • B. Stewart

    You need to sort out the premium pass it is a joke, It isn’t worth the 15$. You want this game to grow though premiums make it worth while. At the moment the premiums is worth nothing. For a p2p future that helps support and grows the game it certainly doesn’t add much value to the players that purchases it. I strongly suggest restructuring the premium pass.

  • Cory n

    Need to make myself leader of my own clan again. Accidentally promoted someone to leader accidentally and now I can't demote them. player ID is MLEKMSQD

  • Jay Kaing

    Hi, I started noticing when I play with my kids on Co op mode. That we both have different waves at the end of the game. Plus, we would have different amount of trophies too.... Why does that happen.

  • Gregg Miller

    Would love a chat message in Hunt games that says something along the lines of "Get Away From Me" to other players who occasionally just follow me around and take my kills and experience drops

  • Justin Thompson

    So i’m noticing in CO-OP ever since v1.1.8 that the AI seems to be a bit off (not synced with other player), other times the monsters will B line for the king on my screen but not on my wife’s screen.
    There will be times when i kill monsters that they will remain in place and not advance toward the King and are able to attack me if i come near them, i’m thinking it may be related to the death strike mechanic.
    This is a little annoying as we on average achieve wave 60-80 with a personal best of wave 499 and now we struggle to clear wave 50 at times.
    Also if you have too much movement speed the game will not stop you from falling into the water, this is simply achieved using the full charge with the Minotaur.
    We like the Auto collect feature and the size fix for the level-up text.

  • John

    So been playing for a while, with a new update can you guys increase match duration

  • Mattze

    Guten Tag, Koop ist nicht mehr spielbar.
    Massive Desinks und Geld Schwankungen.
    Spenden steht somit nicht mehr in Relation zum Zurückgewinn. Wenn man 2000 Münzen spenden muss aber nur 100-200 pro runde bekommt, kann das nichts werden. Da kann man sich noch so anstrengen.

  • Wouter

    Hi yall,

    I love playing Engineer and i love playing co-op.
    But playing Engineer in co-op isnt fun. As i play Engineer with loads of health, regeneration AND reflection so bugs kill themselfs. But for some reason co-op doesnt give reflection to Engineer. Is this on purpose?
    Keeping all perks for all characters keeps co-op interesting instead of playing with the 4 powerfull characters.

  • july

    Duel System. Of course you should stop being burned/ poisoned when you win a match in the duel System. The Effects of the prior match should not be followed into the new match. Also alot of bugs concerning damage. Some attacks don't inflict damage when you walk behind a wall quick. It's probably a glitch. There should also be maps with no borders at all. All Maps are made to give a user with range and can attack behind walls and unfair advantage by buildings walls and fences. This makes melee characters completely useless to use. As where range characters are always used. Make a map with no walls. 


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