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What's the e-mail address of BoomBit Customer Support?



  • Beasleyrhonda24

    I cannot play my game and I don't have any debug whatever devices on my phone so I have no idea what the heck y'all were talking about but I would like to play my game it's ridiculous that I cannot

  • Ferran Queralt

    The money for the win every match is very insufficient in the box the same, in the level 8 in stage 5 only 30 coins, and for up the level all my darts I need 10000 coins. I think you need to increase the money

  • jeffweeks1984

    The entire game
    Is a rip off . Players use cheats and play from devices that should not compete with mobile app users. Practice touch is far different than game play touch and it’s one giant rigged ripoff.

  • Ivonne Ormazabal

    Necesito ayudar con mi juego por Quino puedo abrir desde Facebook

  • Kristy Vogt

    I wanted To purchase the gold club membership. But I wanted to know how long it last before the next payment would be due.

  • Miguel

    J'ai effectué un achat de 11,99€ via ma facture téléphonique pour pouvoir bénéficier du pass saison et je ne l'ai pas reçu !voilà mon numéro de commande : GPA.3318-7652-7819-41615 date de commande :19 Novembre 2022 09:08:24 UTC+1

  • Martin ožďan

  • Robert Pykało

    hello, I'm in a clan to which I don't have access because if I press the clan, the ad immediately turns on for me, just like for daily events for tickets and for the mailbox when I open my messages and when I enter it shows me that it is empty and non-stop when I play a match I see ads. my nickname in hunt royal game is Pikciu1327

  • Mark Price cozyinstance

    I play as " cozyinstance" , somehow I joined a club without knowing. How do I withdraw. I don't even speak they're  language.

  • Behnam Shahabi

    After 5 years of having this game, I am deleting this game forever for the boring and annoying ads. And I will not install any game from this company anymore. Because with this amount of advertisements, which is completely clear, what is their purpose, they only disrespected people like me and caused dissatisfaction among users. I say goodbye to Boombit company forever.👎🏻

  • Milenka Ormazabal

    Por qué me castigan quitándome los trofeos si la etapa es complicada y no la puedo pasar eso no es motivo ni razón para castigar mi avance ...dice el mensaje que abandoné el juego en más de una ocasión y eso no es así

  • Michael Small

    The last game I played was halve it and the next number was 16 and the other player was throwing at the bull's-eye and hit one and got the points for it and they won by a couple points that's not cool I've been noticing a lot of weird things lately what's up with that crap not cool.

  • Leonard holmberg

    I like ur dart game but I hate the fact my game keeps freezing and closing out during my games and keep losing my Bonus chests and trophies if it keeps happening I will delete this game

  • Jeremiah Brittingham

    I lost my wi-fi signal and I get a message saying I quit, why should a person be penalized do to their wi-fi, I did not get penalized for it but if it happens again. I live in Hawaii and where I live I don't get the best signal, the big island doesn't have the technology upgraded like the mainland. I don't think this is the best way to deal with a situation that isn't what it really is. Sorry I lost my wi-fi signal, nothing I can do. I would never quit playing a game win loose or other wise, I stay with what I'm doing.

  • Dacostahussein

    Please I'm top 100 in the tournament but my nick name bar is not changing to Gold after all that effort

  • Pedro Raul

    My score in Dawn of Ages is 0 on the Clan table, and 442 on my player page, which is incorrect. My score was 482.

  • James Lowman

    My problem is. You sit the game to no one can win by a win fall. The other problem is when i play 301 to 0 no win fall wins ok but when I get 0 you let other player go and they Tie or lose. But every time they get 0 I’m like ok 49 is two 20’s and a 9 right. Or I lose. Right. Wrong game over. They win. But me 0 them 49 they get to play it out. Me no game over. Yes I said it twice. Me 0 they play out them 0 game over they win. You want me to spend money on a rigged game.

  • Eugatubbs

    So I really don't think you monitor comments since you make it, not Nearly but ENTIRELY impossible to offer any resolve to issues they experience. I made a request # 204706 and the answer was F yer problem we subcontract ads it's not our problem. It seems my response somehow ended up as request # 209119 so I'm just not wasting energy defining them but there is a 3rd request # 209121 apparently associated with my time being stolen by watching a complete ad for reward, rather than a reward I get notified THIS AD IS UNAVAILABLE. POLITELY a request was sent. Clearly multiple attempts have been made without reasonable response. By now I should be loudly using abusive language and throwing things around. I Just decided that it's better I record my screen time. Next I calculate the time I spend locating anything pertinent and creating clips for verification. Addional time will be added equal to mearly twice of the ad in question. The total time billed will equal the totals aforementioned plus 27 minutes 18 seconds for the time I've lost writing to get some assistance and any additional time required.
    The time spent creating this communication will not be found in the charges column.

    After all as I said, I wonder if anyone ever looks.

    Oh by the way, subcontracting only takes away the doing for you. Responsibility of loss is NOT transferred.


    Ah yes, I forgot to mention it is Darts Club excet that shouldn't matter unless you use different subs in each app, might want to check that out.

  • Eugatubbs

    So I really don't think you monitor comments since you make it, not Nearly but ENTIRELY impossible to offer any resolve to issues they experience. I made a request # 204706 and the answer was F yer problem we subcontract ads it's not our problem. It seems my response somehow ended up as request # 209119 so I'm just not wasting energy defining them but there is a 3rd request # 209121 apparently associated with my time being stolen by watching a complete ad for reward, rather than a reward I get notified THIS AD IS UNAVAILABLE. POLITELY a request was sent. Clearly multiple attempts have been made without reasonable response. By now I should be loudly using abusive language and throwing things around. I Just decided that it's better I record my screen time. Next I calculate the time I spend locating anything pertinent and creating clips for verification. Addional time will be added equal to mearly twice of the ad in question. The total time billed will equal the totals aforementioned plus 27 minutes 18 seconds for the time I've lost writing to get some assistance and any additional time required.
    The time spent creating this communication will not be found in the charges column.

    After all as I said, I wonder if anyone ever looks.

    Oh by the way, subcontracting only takes away the doing for you. Responsibility of loss is NOT transferred.


  • Tami Jo

    I need my membership money back! If I can't play why should I be paying y'all 🤔

  • Jory Shapiro

    My dad approved (via SMS) a $10 premium pass purchase containing the Thor character. After five minutes of waiting for the purchase, and nothing happening, I decided to contact support and ask what happened.

  • Enrique Capote

    Mý old email i haven't sync ned yet

  • Enrique Capote

    Can you get my account for me my new email is

  • Enrique Capote

    I need to get my old account im THE KRAKEN AND BACK ON MY TEAM AS KRAKEN.

  • Mak Tsz ho

    Hello, is here a helpdesk here?
    I want to ask the charge for hkd338.00 at 31 Jul 0715 morning, is this a package charge, as i know, i did not have buy anything on that moment before or after.
    Looking forward for your respomse🙏😃

  • VeliborrrJovanoviccc

    Mi mejl veljaaaaboxxxxer75gmail,i bi 24 lvl,now after new upload i 1 lvl,please back mi level,mi club,pleaseeee

  • Alexis figueroa

    Compre el pase y no me han cargado nada, esto es una estafa, solucionen esto por vafor

  • Brianmhill74

    Do you check these comments

  • Alexis figueroa

    O me devuelven el dinero estafadores

  • Dean Payne

    I'v just sent you an email with alot of complaints submitted the email and I can't even see this game got lots of issues my complaint was so big I completely run out of space not saving my game play especially I've got lot of complaints it won't let me sighn in with Wi-Fi got turn data on WiFi off game loads do the same but other way around like data off&wifi on I can then I've unlocked an epic dart 3times that's not rite isit also when I last looked at the cash I had it was only 44grand got this morning ?. Got up this morning and only 3784somthing like that got it back to 4grand odd watched a few hours ago I I went outside too see my dad and how much cash do you think I had37 grand odd again I'll be uninstalling this game if you don't sort out theyes issues out I don't want uninstall the as its 1off my favourite games 1more issue really sorry about all the as problem's I've been playing cricket & that not saving my trophies keep going from like 4 trophies upto 14 trophies???? Plus I'd like good will gesture.


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